Rook's Books Featured Hero
October was first designated as Down Syndrome Awareness Month in the 1980s and has been recognized every October since. It is a time to celebrate people with Down syndrome and make others aware of their abilities and accomplishments. People with Down Syndrome are just like you and me.
We all want love, friends, and a fulfilling life. Join us as we celebrate our Down Syndrome Heroes in October.
To learn more about Down Syndrome visit
We Are Pleased to Introduce You to Harrison
His older sister and parents are so proud of him. Since he started walking, his parents often fail to keep up with him as he explores the house on his own! Harrison is Harrison – we have no doubt he’ll do big things; they will just be on his own time. We love watching him grow and learn.
Harrison was born on February 26, 2020. We learned during pregnancy that he likely had Down Syndrome and he was diagnosed shortly after birth. He spent 3 weeks in the NICU and the first year of his life on supplemental oxygen. At 2 ½ years old, he’s full of life and energy. He loves tractors and farm animals, always mimicking the sounds they make. He also loves books and his outdoor playset.